Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Next thing I know he'll be asking for the keys to the car...

Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs for more Wednesday fun!
5 Minutes for Mom
7 Clown Circus
Ordinary and Awesome

Captain Dumbass said...

After he runs up your cell bill.

More Than Words said...

LOL...either that or money!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Awwh. He looks like such a little man. This photo reminds me of that commercial where the child is asking for the car keys, and then they show her again and she is a teen. I don't know what it is a commercial for, but it reminds me of that. He is too too cute.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

That's so cute! I can't get Z to wear sunglasses AT ALL!

Unknown said...

Something tells me he's gonna be a fast driver♥

Anonymous said...

oh dont' rush it lol. Very cute :O)

Buckeroomama said...

He looks so cool! So adorable! :)

I am Harriet said...

Be scared when they do. Trust me.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

They grow up fast. Cute shot.

Lindy said...

They grow up too fast! It looks like he knows what he's doing! Cute shot for WW!

Cascia Talbert said...

Wow! He looks cool with his shades and phone.

HDMac said...

Well, this will date me but .... "Who is THAT behind those Foster Grants??" A sweetheart of a guy there!

Courtney said...

too cute. love the shades

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

You know it!!! He's adorable! Way cute pic!

tiarastantrums said...

pretty cool little dude

Danielle said...

Way too young! You are right he will be asking for the keys to go pick up his girlfriend because he is soo cool! Here is my Wordless Wednesday!

Nina said...

Phones and keys are demanded by my little one. Especially when you need to use them. LOL...

Stacie said...

Awww tooo cute!!

Luke Holzmann said...

Hilarious! Love it.


sheila said...

OMG your caption is soooooo funny! lol!
bte, LOVE your blurb about homeschooling and the village in your sidebar....hysterical! (true, lol, but hysterical)

Kimberly Kihega said...

LOL. He's a cutie!

Anonymous said...


Charlotte (Life's a Charm!) said...

he's so cute!
my son does the same thing. he snatches my phone and actually make random calls or takes pictures!

Aimee said...

He's so cute!

PMKU said...

For Sure!!! Happy WW

TheAtticGirl said...

Hi there, following you from MBC

Virginia said...


Petula said...

You're right about that... he's adorable.

Anonymous said...

That is way to cute!
Thanks for coming by today!

Drahdrah said...

That's too cute... My 10 month old "texts" in her high chair, and she's usually sending something funny by her chuckles !

Drahdrah said...

That is too cute. My 10 month old "texts" in her high chair, and from her chuckles it's probably something funny !!!

BK said...

Shhh ... we better keep our volumes low here; he could be making an important call. :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

AHAHAHAHA! I love it!!!

Happy WW a day late! :)

Design It Chic said...

Oh he has such a bad boy attitude! Moms out there, keep your little daughters inside the house, cause he's a little heart breaker:P

Happy Thursday!

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

LOL, better tell the girls to watch out!

Lindy said...

Hand 'em over!! What a cute picture!

Marrdy said...

You have no idea how true that statement is!! Hug him tight!

Anonymous said...

LOL, too cute! Great picture!

Dora said...

Cool! Maybe he just clinched a biz. deal? Don't play play. Nowadays kids are superb smart!

Colette S said...

LOL. This is too cute. Is he calling China!

My friend says my daughter is dialing China! lol

Night Owl Mama said...

lol he;s too cute luv the sun glasses


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