A Thousand Words Thursday

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome to another edition of A Thousand Words Thursday. I hope you all have had some memorable (happy) moments this week! Thanks for stopping by today :D

For more Thousand Words Thursday stop by Cheaper Than Therapy.
Cheaper Than Therapy

Link Up Friends!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

is that the window? my guy does the same thing. scares me...

Stacie said...

I like this photo. Love the window view!

really.truly said...

That picture is wonderful! So cute.

Elizabeth said...

Love the Thousand Word Thursdays, thanks for the intro to it. With 7 kids, the oldest being 11, I think I might have a thousand pictures that qualify!! Have a great day, and I enjoy your pic. I think I have a picture like that of my little ones looking out a hotel window like that!

Shana Putnam said...

I love the picture! Come check mine out if you ahve time, I did a huge one!! Blaze loves to stand at our french doors and watch the horses and the rain.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Thanks for stopping by! Definitely do the review, C now has her "independent" time away from her sister and learns at the same time. It's a blat!

Suburban Hooker said...

Awwww....wishing he was out there!!
Great pic!!

Kekibird said...

Ahhhh...it's cute but kinda sad :o( Like he wants it to stop raining so he can go outside.

Thanks for sharing!

Suzy said...

Oh to be outside playing.....

Susan Cook said...

Cool picture. Not sure, but looks like he wants to go out but its raining?

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet photo! love it!

Thanks for stopping by my blogger blog!


Bree Shaw said...

ahhh, what a sweet pic. i love shots like that.

More Than Words said...

I love those kinds of photos!!! So precious!

Anonymous said...

Love that picture. I have one of Austin when he was little sitting in the window. So cute. TFS

Marla said...

rain sure can be a bummer for a little guy huh? Happy ATWT

Sweet Serendipity said...

This was at the museum. It was pouring that day and he was looking out at the paddle boats.


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