
Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm joining the Technorati List at Sited and Blogged.

The Technorati List by Sited and Blogged:

It's time to repost our list.
If you want to join, follow these simple steps.

~Copy and paste this blog post into a new blog post on your site.
~Come back here and leave a comment with a full link address to direct us to your post.
~Your link will then be added to the list.

When the list ends in late June, come back and update your list with all of the members. We are atttempting to limit this list to 100 blog links.

Check out the following blogs for more info:


The Contest Hub

I am Harriet

NOTE: this is a repost from the Sited and Blogged Site and is meant to spread the word. Please visit that site to participate. Thanks :D

Melissa said...

I'm in, but my post won't go up until tomorrow morning. Do I post my link here or at Sited and Blogged?

Sweet Serendipity said...

Good question! It is a little confusing...sorry! You need to post your link at Sited and Blogged.


Melissa said...

Thanks for clarifying that. I sent in my link. I also reworded the post on my blog to indicate that links should be sent to Sited and Blogged.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I don't have anymore time left! I'm started to print and write up stuff for our next school year -- very busy right now.

Daisy said...

So I guess this is another one for moms... well nice to know. Maybe I join too.. Next year? LOL..

Passing by from June Comments challenge...

Stacie said...

I am adding my post here but going to Sited and Blogged Site! Comment from Harriets Comment Challenge


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