Sweet Serendipity Gets Featured

Monday, June 8, 2009

I recently found a great magazine for busy moms who are doing what they can to go green. Kiwi features eco-friendly products, tips for green living, delicious recipes, craft projects and more.

Here's the scoop from their webpage:

Kiwi is dedicated to helping parents raise their children the healthiest way possible. Our charge is to introduce families to the latest in natural and organic living—showing how to practice this lifestyle on an everyday basis.

We know that achieving the right balance between the real world and the ideal world is often difficult. Our lives are busy and our family’s schedules are often simply out of our control. So, our mission is to help you make the best choices, with the best information available, in the shortest amount of time.

They also have a great blog called kiwilog, with more great articles and a weekly round up of the latest and greatest happenings in the momblogsophere. Guess what?! One of my Sweet Serendipity posts was featured in this week's round up. I'm tickled green pink!

Be sure to stop by and check them out and sign up for their new cooking club e-newsletter with yummy recipes and tips on cooking with the kiddos.

Chris said...


Melissa said...

Congratulations! :)

really.truly said...

Wow! That is awesome. I love that magazine. I have to buy that issue just for that article. Congrats!

really.truly said...

Ok, just re-read that.....they featured you on their blog...awesome. But, I'll still be buying the mag ;)

Stacie said...

I think I have heard of that magazine before. Congrats on being featured in their blog. Stopping by from Harriet's Comment Challenge.

sheila said...

How sweet! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats -- How exciting.

The Simple Gourmand said...

That's awesome! Your blog is wonderful so I'm not at all surprised! XOXO


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