Love Ya!

Monday, June 8, 2009

I was honored today with a "Love Ya" Friendship Blog Award. Kekibird at Why Bother? gave me this little gem. It made me smile and warmed my heart to think that someone not only reads my posts, but has found friendship and camaraderie here at Sweet Serendipity. I have been blessed with meeting some amazing women through blogging and I truly value the friendships and support from all of my bloggy friends. Thank you Kekibird ;D and thanks to all of you who visit and comment here. It means a great deal to me.

The "Love Ya" Award states:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I have chosen to pass this on to:

1. Frumps Findings
2. The Homemaking Cottage
3. Days of Whine and Noses
4. Mud Bug
5. Our Chaotic Life
6. Sweet and Sassy Girls
7. Mamas Money Savers
8. The Mommy Journey

All of whom are great bloggers with great blogs to visit!

I was also honored with A One Lovely Blog Award from Days of Whine and Noses (I love this new bloggy friend; definitely stop by to visit her if she's not already on your blog roll). Since I have received and passed on this award once before, I am passing it on to only one blogger this time around. Drum roll please.......... the award goes to The Simple Gourmand. She's just getting started (in fact just ventured into blogging this week!) but I think she has a good thing going and has done a fabulous job for a total newbie. Yes, she is my sister, please don't throw the nepotism card my way...I think all new bloggers deserve some luv and encouragement, even sisters ;)
Pop over and say hello and snag a few yummy recipes while you're there.

Kekibird said...

You are very welcome! It is well deserved :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award -- you deserve it! Thank you so much of thinking of me. I'll try and post tomorrow when I get back from the Dr. I've been so busy the past couple of days. I've been working on our Science curriculum for next year.

Chris said...

thanks for the award!! :D

The Simple Gourmand said...

Thanks, sis! That's so sweet of you. I couldn't have started the blog without all of your help and encouragement! Love you! Hez

really.truly said...

Hey!! I just saw this. Thank you so much. I have loved getting to know you :)


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