Friday Photo Flashback

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback

This is my mom and dad in December of 1973, all decked out for the Command Christmas party.

Muthering Heights said...

They look great! What a cute flashback!

More Than Words said...

Hi Melissa! How funny, we did the same year!!

What a great looking couple, and your mom had a great figure!!

Thank you for sharing again this week, my friend!

Carin said...

That is so cool! Love those old colors and styles. At first it looked like your dad had some SERIOUS hair going on until I looked closer. I wonder if they saw that too after they got the pictures back. I love the way your mom is looking at your dad.

momstheword said...

They look so nice and all dressed up real fancy. Love your dad's uniform!

Laine said...

they look both great. :)Priceless picture indeed. :)

Happy Friday :)

Darcie said...

They certaintly are all decked out...and looking great!!!

really.truly said...

Oh the 70's.....what a decade! They make a lovely couple.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful flash back. TFS

Anonymous said...

Looks so my like what my Mom and Dad would have looked like around the same time. Nice pic!!

Kathy C. said...

Totally Groovy! Hee hee hee. :)

momstheword said...

I didn't think my hair could grow that long either. But I began to just trim it a tiny bit, every other month, just to trim the ends. And I also wore it back in a pony tail or up in a bun a lot.

I think that just getting it trimmed every 2 or 3 months is what helped it to grow so long.

Chris said...

they look great!

Erin said...

I love the way your mom is looking at your dad. It is with such love in her face. He looks proud to be with her. What a lovely photo. Thanks for sharing it with us.

4 Lettre Words said...

What a great photo! And, a fine, fine year!! :o)


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