Wow, I have hit the motherload. I just found NeoK12, and amazing website that has cataloged the best selection of free online educational videos for kids from preschool on up. You will be amazed at what is on the site, I was! Tons of great videos categorized by topic and all of them have been reviewed by K-12 teachers for kid-friendly content. The whole site is certified by iwatchdog as a kid safe website.
I don't know about you, but around here we love books. We have a children's library of nearly 500 books encompassing all sorts of topics, fiction and non. We are also fans of The History Channel (did you catch Expedition Africa last night??? awesome), Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, the National Geographic Channel and the like.
We let our kids watch some of these programs because they give us a look at places, animals and habitats in a multi-sensory way that is very engaging and memorable. While I believe that books are invaluable and should be a primary source of information because that engage the mind in ways that other media cannot, I also have to admit that seeing and hearing live action can be much more exciting when researching certain topics.
That is why I am loving this NeoK12 website. It offers short engaging videos that are easy accessible and kid safe. I don't have to worry about commercials or scary creepy previews freaking out my toddler or preschooler who might also be in close proximity. The length of each video is listed next to the clip. Most I have seen range from 2 - 9 minutes. Not long enough to be boring, but still packed with information.
I am giving this site two huge thumbs up. And, whether you homeschool or not (even if you don't have kids) I think it's worth your time to check it out. I hope you will enjoy it was much as we are!

I'm so excited to check it out! As a homeschool mom I am always looking for stuff now since I put my own curriculum together. I'm tired of all the textbook style learning. My kids learn more hands on and watching. TFS-- off to check it out!
Sweet! Thanks for the post! I'm sure my preschooler will love it!
Thank you!! My boys are very visual. I'm going to bookmark that site. Awesome.
Thanks!!! You always find the best sites!
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