This is terribly sad and was brought to my attention by my friends at Your Coupon Buddy. There is an animal shelter 60 miles south of Dallas, TX that is running out of food. The Humane Society of Cedar Creek Lake in Tool, TX,, is unfortunately facing the decision of either having to euthanize these poor animals or let them literally starve to death. As of right now they only have enough food for a little over a week. My family and I are huge animal lovers and I also grew up outside of Dallas, so this is very important to me to help.
Couponing has saved my family so much and now there are some coupons that can help save these animals..literally. There are coupons in the June 14th SmartSource insert for FREE Mighty Dog Dogfood AND there are coupons for FREE bags of Purina Kitten Chow in the April 26th SmartSource insert. If anyone still has these coupons that you have not yet used them please send them to the address below. I have 4-5 of the Mighty Dog coupons, a few of the Purina Kitten Chow coupons and other pet food coupons that I will be sending as well.
Please leave a comment below and let me know if you think that you will be able to send any in...and how I have a count from Free Sample Freak readers. If you are a blogger and can blog about this, you will be doing a great thing!
To view the rest of the story please visit Your Coupon Buddy. Coupons can be mailed to:
Your Coupon Buddy
P.O. Box 181
Forney, Texas 75126
Thank you for any help you can give. If you don't have the coupons, retweet, post to your facebook or on your own blog. Any thing would be greatly appreciated!
Bella says two paws up to all my animal-loving bloggy friends :D

If I come across these coupons I will be sure to send them!
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