Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My "bid dirl" will be turning 4 next week. Four?! Hard to believe. I know all moms say that at nearly every birthday, but it is so true. The time passes in a blink. She was my sweet baby pixie just an instant ago and now she's a big girl, leading the pack toward the goal in soccer, defending herself from her brothers all on her own, swinging high on the swings without a "head push start" from mom, writing her name, opening the browser and finding Dora games online while I'm cluelessly folding laundry in the other room... She's miss self-sufficient (and don't dare call her little miss anything). Thank goodness she regularly tells me she "wubs" me or I'd really start to feel like an unnecessary attachment, lol.

Look! A Linky!

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Anonymous said...

Girl she is a cutie! I know what you mean my baby just turned 3 in Feb. and I still catch myself telling people he is 2. Where does the time go.

PMKU said...

She's adorable!

More Than Words said...

I know..it's so sad to think of how fast time flies!!

She is such a cutie!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Ah. You're little girl is growing up. She is so beautiful. I have to say, that first photo made my giggle. She has a hilarious look on her precious little face. Happy Birthday to her!

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Very sweet! And it is true what all the grandmas say: "They grow up SO fast!"

tiarastantrums said...

we have a bday coming up in our house next month - argh!!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

She is adorable. My little girl is turning 4 next week too. time flies by.

Tammy said...

They grow up way to fast don't they - My ww is when my daughter was 9 she's 13 now, and if feels like I just took the pictures yesterday!


Muthering Heights said...

Time certainly flies!!!

Amy Dingmann said...

Its so nice to know that she still wubs you. That's adorable! They grow up way too fast. Still trying to figure out a way to slow it down. If I figure it out, I'll let you know!

Anonymous said...

So perfect. I forgot how cute "wub" is!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Well she certainly looks sweet!

Happy pre-birthday!

Pam said...

They grow up so fast! She's adorable!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

What a cutie-pie! I wish her a VERY Happy (pre-belated) Birthday!

Stacie said...

Your daughter is adorable!! Time goes by so quickly!

annies home said...

you are so right about them growing up so fast. Happy birthday to your little one I hope its a grand day


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