Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The weather here has been up and down. Mostly warm, but we got sheets of rain last week. A couple of super hot humid days, then chilly fall-like weather and now warm again. Makes for some great thunderstorms with lots of boomer shoots, as my oldest used to call them. You know the pretty zig~zaggy lights in the sky that come right before the boomers.

Anyway, these are a few pics of the kids having some fun in the sun. That hairy one is my fourth child.

Happy Wordful Wednesday! For more WW fun visit these fabulous sites!

Mom Blogs

tiarastantrums said...

oh that dog capture is hilarious!!

Jennifer said...

It looks as though the children and the dog had a brilliant time!

Anya said...

Its here raining I'am waiting for a little sunshine ;)
Greetz from The Netherlands

More Than Words said...

That looks like so much fun!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to break out the pool for my kids!

Happy WW!

Run DMT said...

It's been ridiculously hot here in FL too. Really unbearable! Yesterday, we had our first rain storm in weeks.

Sherry said...

And summer begins!!! great pics!

Anjanette Young said...

Wow! That is some serious summer fun!

Janet said...

Looks like fun!

Prasti said...

look at your pup jumping! impressive :). loving the pool fun.

miranda said...

Looks like so much fun! I can't wait to put our little pool up. Not quite warm enough yet.

Anonymous said...

Great photo of the "hairy one" jumping. lol Awesome pix Happy WW! :O)

sheila said...

Your kids are sooo cute...but....that dog! omg, what GREAT shots you snapped of the dog! AWESOME

TheAtticGirl said...

Cute hairy child!

Cassie said...

Wow! It looks like they are all having a fun time. Don't you just love summer?

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

I cant wait for pool weather....except for the wearing a bathing suit part!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. What fun!!!!!!!!! We are going to get our pool together this weekend. TFS

miranda said...

Thanks for becoming a follower of Sippycups and Fingerprints. Looking forward to reading your blog as well!!

Aimee said...

Looks like fun...its a hot day here today. I could use a dip in the pool!

Unknown said...

Sounds like your weather has been about as crazy as ours! The pool looks good, I have to say... : )

Staci A said...

How fun! I can't wait to get our pool out. Great photos!

Aunt Julie said...

Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing...

Anonymous said...

That looks so fun!!!

ParentingPink said...

Love the pool pictures - especially the dog! Happy WW!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I thought I commented on this last Wednesday, but it seems I forgot to.

I love these photos. I love the one of the doggy jumping. That is an awesome shot. It looks like they had an awesome time.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!


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