Big news at our place, dh is graduating this Saturday! He's spent his four years prostrate to a higher mind and he's gettin' his paper. I am thrilled and so proud of him. He has worked very hard, and is graduating near the top of his class. He has done all of this while working full time in the military, deploying, raising three kids, attending to his lovely wife, coordinating an age group for the local soccer league and coaching. Whew! I'm glad we've surmounted that hill, and I know he is quite relieved as well. Anyway, my point is (aside from my great pride and admiration) my question this week is you have a degree? If so, what is your degree in? And, do you use the knowledge you gleaned from that degree in your daily life?
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I do not have a degree. I never finished college -- I plan to one day -- Maybe when the kids are a little older. Right now I'm focused on being a mommy and a homeschool teacher. Congrats to your husband -- hope yall have a wonderful time Saturday!
I am 12 hours away from my degree in English and minor in psychology. I do not use it every day. But, it's still worth it to me. I think it's really something to be proud of.
I have a degree in computer science, do i use it, not really but it does make tweaking my blog easier than most people find it.
I don't have a degree that I've earned through higher education although I've earned many an honorary degrees from life experiences. Big Smile!!
I have several: Political Science, Soviet Foreign Policy and Physics. I use none of them.
Well mine is an easy answer LOL, no I never went to college, however when my youngest starts school in 2010 I will be going to school :)
Congrats to your husband!
I've taken a lot of college classes, but have yet to finish a degree. I still don't know what I want to be when I "grow up". LOL.
Nope, no degree. I was however an emt which was part of what I'd been working on. And yes, I do use that knowledge all of the time!
Congrats to your Hubby (& you) for that degree. Mine did the same thing when he was in the AF. It's a VERY big deal. Way to go!!
I have my BA in psychology. I am a stay at home mom, so I am not using it in a formal job, but I guess I am still using it at home. =)
Wow! Congrats to your hubby!!!!!
As for degree! I worked right after high school!
I have a degree in family counseling. I never really used my degree for anything professional, since I married and had a family :) I suppose it falls into everyday use.. :) My husband has a couple of degrees one in Criminal Justice and I forget the other
HAHA great question!! I have an undergraduate Bachelor of Music and a Master of Music in Violin performance - this is something I'd bet most people didn't know about me! ... umm, I'm sure I use something I learned?? My kids play and I have to say they are doing quite well ;)
Yes I've a degree
I always apply my studies in my daily life. I see business in every thing and think of monetizing the simple things.
While studying, they don't give you the definitions to remember, they change our mind regularly to think in certain style
Yep, I have a bachelor's degree in Family Studies and Child Development. I use it every day! It was a lot of family dynamics stuff and a lot of development stuff... I've actually had to use some of the family therapy stuff to help out some friends of mine with some issues they've been having.
It definitely makes me glad I finished! I had a 15 month old and was 2 months pregnant when I graduated, but I did it! (And with a 3.9 GPA, I might add!)
Thanks for letting me share. I don't have a lot to brag about that's just about ME, so this was fun! :)
I have a degree in Finance and I work in the International Finanace field so yes I am using it also.
Congratulations to your husband, I know it's not easy to be a student, parent and employee. What is his degree in?
I just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology with two minors in Business and Communications. I use very little of the information in my daily life. I don't even know what career I will be able to get eventually with this degree. I should have figured that out sooner but my kids changed my plans a little
Happy Friday!
I have an associate degree in applied science (nursing). I worked as a registered nurse for about six years then quit to be a full-time SAHM. Now, after eleven years, I'm working to reinstate my nursing license in order to go back to work (strictly for financial reasons, not that I really want to go back;o)
I am working on my associates degree in Early Childhood Education. Whether I go through with it is another thing. Havn't done much with it:(
CONGRATS to your DH!! I just graduated last Saturday with a business management degree!
I have been managing for so many years, I don't know that I am using the knowledge that I have learned the last two years or not! LOL
I've got a Master's degree in Elementary Education. I use it every day, homeschooling my daughter! :-)
I don't have a degree, but rather a diploma from college. And NO, I don't use it and really never did.
I took some classes. I've thought about going back over the years, but never did. Congratulations on your sons graduation.
I have several- Business, Nursing and Computers. I still go back to school to keep up with computer programs- I'm in design.
my only degree is one in motherhood...and I try to use it everyday! lol
I don't have a degree and I think I have done well without one, but take my hat off to your DH!!!!
i have a degree in Computer Engineering. I used to earn a living using this degree but not right now as a Stay at home mom, but it has proven useful in my blogging.
I don't have a degree. I was going to college but that was many years ago and I didn't finish. Congrats to your hubby!!!
I don't have a degree, just a diploma in computer studies.
Yes I do have a degree. No I don't use it. It helped me get a job, but as an office manager. They thought if I had a degree, I would be responsible. Now I stay home with the kids.
Congrats to your husband. What an accomplishment.
Thanks for the follow. I will do the same:)
I don't have a degree yet. All of my general ed stuff is done, just have to do stuff for a major. I have too many friends with degrees working at Starbucks to be in a rush to get my degree. I make more than they do! :)
Yes I do and a Masters. It's all in the field of behavioral science. I use my knowledge as a mom. How fitting.
I have a BA and an MA, and I'm always learning. And, yes, I use everything I've picked up along the way-from school and from life-to get through each day!
i have a BA in criminology/criminal justice - which i don't use at all. but my law degree, i use that every day :)
BTW, I have a bit o' bloggy bling for you at my place today!
No degree. I'm not sure that I've figured out what I want to do when I grow up all the way. :) I do, however, have a lovely certificate from my children that says "Best Teacher Ever". So that has to count for something, right?
Congrats to your husband!!!
Great question!
I have an undergrad in Biochemistry and I almost have a Masters Neurobiopsychology. I do think I use it everyday - even if it isn't specifically about the classes :-)
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