In Hawaii,
Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My question this week is: What do you do to keep your kids busy during the summer? If you don't have kids, what's you favorite way to spend your free time?For More Aloha Friday Fun Visit
An Island Life
I don't have to do much to keep the boys (ages 5 and 6) busy over the summer. We have a creek and woods and a huge backyard, plenty of wildlife...its a paradise. We're spoiled :) Its awesome when the creek floods (which happens often) and then the boys can "swim" in the backyard where just the day before they were riding their bike.
We always have a membership to a museum, so we visit often during the summer!
Keep them outside, outside, outside. Ride bikes, go swimming, catch fireflies, go for walks.
My kids have jobs. The kind that pay so that they can buy their own stuff. It's beautiful!
The Pool!
I only have one. I try to find things going on she would like to do. we have a pool, hot tub and Playground. but now that she is a teen it is getting harder to find things.
I have a 5 year old and my plan is to do LOTS of things. He loves to help me cook and do laundry so even everyday chores can be made exciting. He loves to play anything outside which we try to do in the morning with the Florida heat. He loves for Mama to play just about anything. My challenge will be to keep that TV turned off.
My kids stay busy. They run year round and so they have practice, they work, they take extra classes for more credits, etc.
We have a pool in our backyard. Plus we have a wii & a playstation 2 for times when it's too hot to be outside. Have I mentioned that I live in Az?
Right now I am looking into things to do with both of my boys this summer (will be 6 over the summer and going to be 2 in 2 weeks). We will likely frequent museums, parks and things like that. Of course we also have season passes for Six Flags, but not sure if I am adventurous enough to do that solo. Oh, I also have a stock pile of arts and crafts to do for when the little guy naps.
I have an Award waiting for you on my blog here:
Summer camps, walks, visits to the park. Pretty much what I do during the year (my kids are 3 and 1), but more outdoor activity!
We spend so much time at the great outdoor pool we have in town. And camping and at the parks around the area. As long we are outside with snacks and water my kids are pretty easy to please lol
Winter is a different story ;)
We are going to take day trips adn garden!
Summer Reading Club at the Library, Swimming, fun outings. No big vacations...since we homeschool we take those during the year when everyone else is in school. :-)
Since I don't have any kids in school, we do the same things we always do. Go to the park, the beach, wherever. My 3 year old never gets tired of being outside. My Aloha Friday
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