Pee pees go in the potty
Pee Pees go in the potty
Pee pees go in the potty
'Cuz that's how big boys doooo it!
He also just started saying "potty", probably because of all the cheering :)
Now, I know better than to get too terribly excited about this. Since my other too did the same thing at around 18 months old, then promptly lost all interest in the potty, I'm not holding out hope that we'll have a easy road to the end of diaper duty. Still, it is a milestone that deserve celebrating. And he's so proud!

Wow! Very exciting!!!
Those booster seats do wonders, I tell ya. You don't have to clean up the mess, and they don't feel like they're falling in! :)
Congrats on the monumental event!
This is a monumental moment -- another milestone among many to come!! The great thing with documenting this sorts of things with the blogs is that you have your own personal memory timeline as well as sharing this tremendous events with your readers!!
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