Been there? I have. We don't eat out much anymore. But, look what I found! Seems to me like a great idea for traveling with a young one. These pen pal notes are designed to be added to school lunches, but since my kids don't go to school or day care I'm finding alternative uses...and there are many. Not only restaurant waits, but how about the doctor's office, dentist, vet, sitting through a siblings soccer/swim/baseball/piano/insert activity here practice? Road trips, sleep overs, summer camp? I think these are a great idea for preschool to elementary aged kids. Even toddler could color them and expand their vocab as you read them together. Or, just mail them one at a time to your kids. They love getting mail, and why not make it interesting educational mail at that?
I think these are a great idea. Check out the variety of topics and the placemats too. Now, why didn't I think of that?!

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