Find out more about him here.
Mrs. Olson, a retired teacher, has listed an entire 8 day Unit Study geared toward Kindergarteners and First Graders with lots of fun activities and plenty of resources for further exploration.
And find lots more links at The Virtual Vine.

That ought to keep 'em busy a while, smile.
If not try this:
* 16 peeled and sliced and diced apples
* 3/4 to 1 Cup of sugar
* 2 Tbsp. ground cinnamon
Put the diced apples in the crockpot, add the sugar and cinnamon, and stir it up. Set the crockpot on High and cook for 4 Hours. Mash them up a bit about halfway through. Mmmmmm, the smell alone will inspire an appreciation for old Johnny. (Wouldn't hurt to pour some over Vanilla Ice Cream either)
Wow, great lesson plan. So many resources, thanks!
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