Sweet Summer Days Slippin' Away

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It is hard to believe that summer is already winding down. Where did the time go? I haven't even been to the beach once! I grew up visiting the beach regularly. And, there was a time when I spent every weekend at the beach, from mid-April through September, relaxing with friends, reading, swimming, it was wonderful. Since then I have moved a little farther from the shore, gotten hitched, gotten a dog and birthed three babies, so I am a little busier. And I'll admit a trip to the shore is much less relaxing when you can't sit down for more than 60 seconds before someone needs tending to. Still, I never thought I'd go a whole summer without a single beach day...sigh.

I have at least made it to the pool a few times and it has been great fun to see the kids get braver and stronger as swimmers. We've had plenty of cook outs, fireworks, road trips, park days, evening walks and loads and loads of ice cream. Some of my all time favorite memories are of lazy summer days and the playfulness and freedom that accompanies them.

Now school days are creeping closer. Every one seems a bit more serious. There are jack o lanterns and spider webs on the store shelves. The days are getting shorter and soon the balmy breezes will turn cooler and the sun's glow a little paler. I will miss the warmth, the freedom, the splashy wet giggles, and the squinty sun-sparkled smiles on my kids' bronzed little faces.
Oh, I always enjoy the first chilly days when I can slip back into my favorite jeans, or cozy up in a soft sweater. And it's hard to beat the joy of holiday family reunions. But, as another year marches on I'll look back at the warmth and the bliss of the sun-drenched summery days and yearn for them once more.

Sweet summer memories...

Anonymous said...

I am with you completely! It seems like I wait forever for summer and then it is going in a flash - whew!

Enjoy it while they are little - sooooooooo cute!


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