Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Find more WW at 5 Minutes for Mom (which rocks by the way).
Anonymous said...

Great shot. Is that a Great Dane? It is hard for me to tell from the picture.

It looks very much like a Great Dane that my six year old daughter loves to play with in Connecticut.

Brandy said...

Handsome dog & your kids are adorable! I did a post about my dog a few weeks ago; it's amazing how much personality that have!

Thanks for stopping by!


Busymama Karen said...

What a beautiful dog!

storyteller said...

Ah … what a cute dog. My Molly would love to play together anytime. She’s featured in my WW post today at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Cute pup but that spider a few posts down just gives me the creeps! I hate those things! We have them all over GA and they just scare the life out of me. It's like you are looking face-to-face with death! ughhhhh.

Anonymous said...

One word... AWWWWWWW

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you had a great WW

Tara said...

Ah-ah! what a cute doggy!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!!

danette said...

very cute! Thanks for stopping by :)


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