Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This is what we call "Crazy Bed Head." Bryn sleeps particularly hard and is the Queen of Crazy Bed Head at our house. See more WW at 5 Minutes for Mom.

Anonymous said...

She's cute bed head and all! Happy WW.

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

What fantastic hair it is though!

She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I think her hair looks lovely may even produce a new style. Happy WW

Happy2bme said...

Mine was always like that when I was young too.

Anonymous said...

hehe I love it!

Qtpies7 said...

Awesome bed head!
My husband has the worst! He wakes up with a mohawk every morning, lol.

Melissa said...

I think it's adorable. I wish my daughter had that much hair.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy WW!

Heather @ thedomesticdiva.org said...

Loving the bedhead shot!


Anonymous said...

Cute! Gotta love the bedhead. My son wakes up everyone morning with the same cowlick sticking straight up on the back of his head. I have to slather it with gel to get it to lay down.

Natalie said...

Wow! She really must be a crazy sleeper! My 3 year old is too...her hair gets so tangled.

Nessa said...

What a cutie, bed head and all!


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