So today was the final soccer game of the season. Aiden has enjoyed playing soccer for three seasons now, but we really all enjoy it as a family. We are part of a fantastic family-oriented league and have met lots a great people. This season Jason, dh, decided to coach for the first time and he did a great job. He was so positive with the kids, it was wonderful. I think he really enjoyed coaching and I know Aiden enjoyed having his dad at all the games and practices. It was quite a feat for dh with work and school to boot. After the game today, we treated the kids to ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery (Aiden chose chocolate with York Peppermint Patties) and handed out trophies. There were a couple of first-timers on the team so it was all very exciting. I'm a little sad that it's over. Aiden says he wants to try football in the fall, so I don't know if we'll be involved with the soccer league again or not. Bryn claims to want to play though, and she will be ol
d enough after her next birthday. So, perhaps we'll have a new player to cheer for on Saturday mornings. Here are the team photos and some pics from today. What a bunch of handsome guys!
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