Memorial Holiday Weekend
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This has been a glorious weekend. The weather has been perfect; low 70's, sunny, a slight breeze. I have loved every minute of it. In my younger days, I suppose I would have complained that it was a little cool for the beach, but now that I'm a sunscreen goddess, as opposed to a suntan goddess, I don't mind a bit. Friday we played outside most of the day with our neighbors. The kids had a great time playing tag and basketball, blowing and popping bubbles, and we built a volcano and erupted it. Of course, Aiden couldn't wait for the eruption. He just wanted to mix the vinegar and baking soda and forget about the whole mountain thing. Still, I managed to get him involved in the sculpting process (once he saw the goo....yeah baby!) and the painting (a favorite pass time no matter what the canvas). We've since erupted it 3 more times at his urging. 
Yesterday, we made the trip up to Colonial Williamsburg and had a wonderful day. We toured the Governor's Palace Gardens and the kids had fun getting lost in the maze of shrubbery. Then we had a picnic on the lawn out front and the Fife and Drum Corps marched right by us...what luck! The kids thought it was grand. We saw Thomas Jefferson speak and witnessed Governor Dunmore's arrival and speech at the Capitol. This included a reenactment of Governor Dunmore dissolving the Virginia House of Burgesses in May 1774 when Virginia declared a day of fasting June 1, having heard the news that the English Parliament had closed the Boston Harbor as punishment for the Boston Tea Party . All in all we walked about 3 miles (great for burning off my late night chocolate binges) We all enjoyed the day and the kids passed out in the car on the way home...which is always a blessing.
I've added a slide show of our colonial adventures. Scroll down to check it out. Tomorrow we're off to the nation's oldest annually held parade. I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend as much as we are. Happy Memorial Day!
I love the way you are making field trips a way of active learning! Your kids are sooo lucky to have you home schooling them!
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