Who isn't with prices creeping up each week. I have always been a coupon clipper, but generally use only a few each time I shop, due to my lack of organization. Lately though, I've been more conscientious about it. I did manage to save $18 with coupons on one of my last big grocery trips. But, try as I might, it just doesn't seem to be enough.The biggest obstacle I face is shopping with 3 kids in tow. Trying to rifle through coupons and compare prices with 3 squirming octopuses in your cart (or running up and down the aisles) is not much fun.
I think the best plan of attack is to plan ahead by making a tight list, checking sales prices and clipping only the coupons you'll need for that trip. That's why I like the couponmom's tips. My favorite place to shop is Kroger and there is a new program available where you can preload your Kroger Card with coupons and they automatically get deducted at checkout when you buy those products...yipee no paper coupons to shuffle through!
If you do intend to keep your paper coupons (I doubt I'll totally give them up ;) check out the couponizer.
Another site I like is the grocery game. The plan here is to stock up when prices are low and you have coupons. You slowly fill your pantry with staples, buying at the lowest prices and over time your weekly bill dwindles as your supplies increase. The site has a low membership fee, but you can make your list online and the site is updated with the sale prices each week (for most retailers). It's worth a look.
Now, if only I could occupy the octopi long enough to pick up everything I need, I'd be golden.
Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Something new on which to chew....I'm participating in Wordless Wednesdays with 5 Minutes for Mom...hello to all you hip bloggymamas!
It is estimated that 1 of every 2 men and 1 of every 3 women with be diagnosed with cancer in his or her lifetime. Unfortunately nearly all of us know someone who has been touched by cancer. Personally, I have a grandmother who is a survivor and a Great Uncle who is currently battling cancer. For too many of us, the topic is even more personal.
There is a newly launched website, standup2cancer.org, that was created by the big 3 networks, ABC, NBC and CBS, to raise funds for cancer research. They have banned together to light a fire among the public and raise money to find a cure. With government dollars for research dwindling, it is time for all of us to get involved. Imagine our children inheriting a world in which cancer and cure go hand in hand.
At standup2cancer.org you can find research news, make a donation, and launch a star to honor someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. Special programming is also scheduled on the three networks for September 5th at 8PM.
For more information check out the American Cancer Society site or the National Cancer Institute.
What does this have to do with homeschooling? When I thought about posting this to my site, I hesitated thinking it didn't fit into my theme, nor is it a topic on which I have much expertise. But, my overwhelming feeling is that this disease has devastated far too many people and getting the word out about this new effort may help the fight. Our philosophy on homeschooling is that learning is a way of life. It's part of every day, not something you do for several hours 5 days a week. And children are not exempt from the effects of cancer. Education and early detection are important parts of the battle. This issue can be broken down to age appropriate levels. And, rather than being trivialized or clouded by whispers it should be openly discussed and carefully examined so that it can finally be eradicated.
There is a newly launched website, standup2cancer.org, that was created by the big 3 networks, ABC, NBC and CBS, to raise funds for cancer research. They have banned together to light a fire among the public and raise money to find a cure. With government dollars for research dwindling, it is time for all of us to get involved. Imagine our children inheriting a world in which cancer and cure go hand in hand.
At standup2cancer.org you can find research news, make a donation, and launch a star to honor someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. Special programming is also scheduled on the three networks for September 5th at 8PM.
For more information check out the American Cancer Society site or the National Cancer Institute.
What does this have to do with homeschooling? When I thought about posting this to my site, I hesitated thinking it didn't fit into my theme, nor is it a topic on which I have much expertise. But, my overwhelming feeling is that this disease has devastated far too many people and getting the word out about this new effort may help the fight. Our philosophy on homeschooling is that learning is a way of life. It's part of every day, not something you do for several hours 5 days a week. And children are not exempt from the effects of cancer. Education and early detection are important parts of the battle. This issue can be broken down to age appropriate levels. And, rather than being trivialized or clouded by whispers it should be openly discussed and carefully examined so that it can finally be eradicated.
Is homeschooling bad for kids?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Vote in Parenting's Poll. I am a regular reader of Parenting Magazine, and when I recently visited their website, I was very surprised to see the majority vote (in one of their quick polls) was against homeschooling. I guess I'm still naive about these matters. It just didn't occur to me that parents would think that it was actually bad for children to be homeschooled, since it seems counter intuitive to me. This should be no surprise, really, many homeschool parents feel schooling is bad for children. I guess I just thought most parents chose not to homeschool because the felt they couldn't financially, or didn't have the skills, patience whatever. But, not because it was bad for kids.
Summer is Truly Here
My husband told me last night that he knew summer was finally here. Not because the weather was warmer, or the grass greener, or even because Memorial Day had come. Nope. He said he could always tell summer was here when I started buying ice cream again.
I never realized I was such a creature of habit....but now that I think about it, it's so true. I don't buy ice cream much in the winter, but once the weather warms up it's a staple. My new favorite is Kroger's Private Selection Lite Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It's loaded with chocolate chips (chipped chocolate not the squirted kind) and balls of cookie dough, and it has only 4.5 grams of fat per serving! Of course, that means I eat twice as much. Yum! My all time favorite, however, is Blue Moon ice cream from the House of Flavors. I only wish they sold it here.
Check out this link to lessons involving the sweetest treat around. And, if you're a lover of the cool cream, don't miss this chance to win a year's worth of Ben and Jerry's and Redi Whip.
I never realized I was such a creature of habit....but now that I think about it, it's so true. I don't buy ice cream much in the winter, but once the weather warms up it's a staple. My new favorite is Kroger's Private Selection Lite Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It's loaded with chocolate chips (chipped chocolate not the squirted kind) and balls of cookie dough, and it has only 4.5 grams of fat per serving! Of course, that means I eat twice as much. Yum! My all time favorite, however, is Blue Moon ice cream from the House of Flavors. I only wish they sold it here.
Check out this link to lessons involving the sweetest treat around. And, if you're a lover of the cool cream, don't miss this chance to win a year's worth of Ben and Jerry's and Redi Whip.
Memorial Day
So today we did the parade in Olde Towne. It was another gorgeous day, the weather was perfect. The parade was fun and the kids loved seeing the fire engines and horses. Jackson actually slept through the first 15 minutes or so, until the bagpipes came through.
Afterward we headed home for lunch and the kids finally twisted dad's arm far enough that he blew up their pool. They flopped and splashed until their lips turned blue. After dinner they played with the neighbors and have planned a "kids parade" for tomorrow using their "Flinstone cars" and wagons. Should be a hoot.
We're all pooped puppies and it's about 12 degrees hotter in the house than outside, even with the windows open and fans on. So the heat is adding to my exhaustion. I'm refusing to turn on the AC though. We'll suffer through to pinch our pennies. I don't know which is worse, milk or gas at $4 a gallon! Sheesh!
Memorial Holiday Weekend
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This has been a glorious weekend. The weather has been perfect; low 70's, sunny, a slight breeze. I have loved every minute of it. In my younger days, I suppose I would have complained that it was a little cool for the beach, but now that I'm a sunscreen goddess, as opposed to a suntan goddess, I don't mind a bit. Friday we played outside most of the day with our neighbors. The kids had a great time playing tag and basketball, blowing and popping bubbles, and we built a volcano and erupted it. Of course, Aiden couldn't wait for the eruption. He just wanted to mix the vinegar and baking soda and forget about the whole mountain thing. Still, I managed to get him involved in the sculpting process (once he saw the goo....yeah baby!) and the painting (a favorite pass time no matter what the canvas). We've since erupted it 3 more times at his urging. 
Yesterday, we made the trip up to Colonial Williamsburg and had a wonderful day. We toured the Governor's Palace Gardens and the kids had fun getting lost in the maze of shrubbery. Then we had a picnic on the lawn out front and the Fife and Drum Corps marched right by us...what luck! The kids thought it was grand. We saw Thomas Jefferson speak and witnessed Governor Dunmore's arrival and speech at the Capitol. This included a reenactment of Governor Dunmore dissolving the Virginia House of Burgesses in May 1774 when Virginia declared a day of fasting June 1, having heard the news that the English Parliament had closed the Boston Harbor as punishment for the Boston Tea Party . All in all we walked about 3 miles (great for burning off my late night chocolate binges) We all enjoyed the day and the kids passed out in the car on the way home...which is always a blessing.
I've added a slide show of our colonial adventures. Scroll down to check it out. Tomorrow we're off to the nation's oldest annually held parade. I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend as much as we are. Happy Memorial Day!
Bluebird Gap Farm
Yesterday we took a field trip to Bluebird Gap Farm. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time. It was our first visit and the kids loved getting an up close look at the animals. We saw geese, ducks, a bobcat, deer, cows, horses, goats, chickens, turkeys and peacocks. The most interesting, I thought ,was the white peacock, which I had never seen before. It is often mistaken as an albino peacock but is actually a version of the Indian Blue Peacock. We wandered through the animal habitats, fe
d the deer and then had a picnic. Aiden chased a peacock and was scolded by an employee (his mother was also scolding him, but she was being ignored) because apparently they fight, like cock's, when agitated or threatened. They have a spur on the back of their legs, that will "scratch your eyes out." So we were told. The description was a little harsh, but Aiden needed to hear it because he was all over that peafowl like funk on feet.
A Snore of a Book
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Entrepreneur in Training
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mmmmmmmm chocolate. What's not to love? I don't know about you, but I don't trust people who don't like chocolate. It's just bizarre. As I sit here with my hand in a bag of semi-sweet morsels I've got my own little piece of heaven. I love cookies too. It's rare I go a day without them. You just can't beat a good chocolate chip cookie
and a cold glass of milk... Pepperidge Farm Nantucket and Fat Free Horizon's Organic to be exact. Yes, I have more of a sweet fang than a sweet tooth. I get cranky without my daily dose. So when I came across this study guide to chocolate I thought, brilliant! Something the kids and I will enjoy exploring immensely. This guide is geared toward classroom use, but can easily be adapted for homeschooling use (just trash what you don't need and dig deeper into the good stuff). So grab some silky sweet goodness and take a tour through the halls of bittersweetness. Enjoy!
What We're Reading
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
We go to the library about once a week and check out 12-15 books. The kids pick whatever they want and I usually choose a few to read to them. I started keeping the list for personal use and to have some way to track what we've covered since we aren't sticking to a curriculum. My library list is now three pages long. We have also visited several library book sales (love 'em!) and have accumulated a home library of almost 400 children's books. (If I were to be considered a collector, I suppose children's books are what I collect...along with the gum wrappers and crumpled coupons that accumulate in the bottom of my purse.)

In addition, we have read almost all of the books in the Five in a Row curriculum, which I highly recommend. We are currently reading a set of chapter books by Holling Clancy Holling, which are fantastic and lead into great discussions about all sorts of things (geography, animal species, travel, mapping, culture, illustration, etc., etc.) I was introduced to these wonderful books when Aiden received them for his sixth birthday, thanks Dad! If you come across them pick them up...you won't be disappointed. We are now finishing Paddle to the Sea. Both my 6 year old and almost 3 year old have loved them.
In addition, we have read almost all of the books in the Five in a Row curriculum, which I highly recommend. We are currently reading a set of chapter books by Holling Clancy Holling, which are fantastic and lead into great discussions about all sorts of things (geography, animal species, travel, mapping, culture, illustration, etc., etc.) I was introduced to these wonderful books when Aiden received them for his sixth birthday, thanks Dad! If you come across them pick them up...you won't be disappointed. We are now finishing Paddle to the Sea. Both my 6 year old and almost 3 year old have loved them.
Science Quest
Monday, May 19, 2008
I've been looking for some cool experiments and topics to cover with ds relating to science. So far we've been winging it according to his interests (snakes, dinosaurs, endangered species, blue crabs, etc.) I've also thrown some stuff out there (weather, planets, volcanoes, birds, etc.) to see if I get any sparks. We've managed to cover quite a bit and keep it interesting. But, lately my ideas have run dry. So, I've been doing some searching and have found some cool stuff to share.
I'm into kits these days. It makes life so much easier to have everything together in a box ready to go. With 3 young kids running around, shopping for anything has become a big hassle. The fewer supplies I have to track down the better! Steve Spangler has some neat stuff that can be ordered online and delivered to your door (no wrestling kids into car seats needed :-) And, you can sign up for his newsletter with ideas and specials delivered to your inbox. I also like Atomic Elephant and they offer a homeschooler's discount -there's a link at the bottom of their home page. For some earth-friendly fun see Planet Pals.
If you are looking for lesson plans the National Science Foundation has some interesting things to peruse. Science Net Links also has an extensive list of detailed lesson plans for all grades. Also check out Try Science and The Science Page.
For older elementary and middle school kids try Bill Nye the Science Guy and Mr. Wizard's World (remember him?).
Now get out your protective eye gear and get cookin'! There's nothing like a few minor explosions to tickle a child's intrigue.
I'm into kits these days. It makes life so much easier to have everything together in a box ready to go. With 3 young kids running around, shopping for anything has become a big hassle. The fewer supplies I have to track down the better! Steve Spangler has some neat stuff that can be ordered online and delivered to your door (no wrestling kids into car seats needed :-) And, you can sign up for his newsletter with ideas and specials delivered to your inbox. I also like Atomic Elephant and they offer a homeschooler's discount -there's a link at the bottom of their home page. For some earth-friendly fun see Planet Pals.
If you are looking for lesson plans the National Science Foundation has some interesting things to peruse. Science Net Links also has an extensive list of detailed lesson plans for all grades. Also check out Try Science and The Science Page.
For older elementary and middle school kids try Bill Nye the Science Guy and Mr. Wizard's World (remember him?).
Now get out your protective eye gear and get cookin'! There's nothing like a few minor explosions to tickle a child's intrigue.
The Daily Dog Bone
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Scoring Machines, Bid Dirls and Teenage Grass
Saturday, May 17, 2008
- As I mentioned before, today was the season's last soccer game. Aiden didn't score any goals today, but he played great defense. Last week however, he was in the zone and scored three goals. After his third goal, in his typical exuberant fashion, he exlaimed, "Yes! I'm a scoring machine!"
A few days ago, after her nightly bath, I dried Bryn's hair with the blow dryer - this was a first. She usually hates having her hair brushed, so I doubted she'd last until her locks were completely dry. But, I was trying to avoid the usual morning tangles so I was very encouraging about how beautiful her hair was turning out as I dried it. To my surprise, she enjoyed the whole experience and afterward looked into the mirror, smiled, and then pranced through the house singing, "Hooray, I bid dirl, I bid dirl!"
- Dh recently planted some grass seed in the front yard to fill in some sparse areas. Aiden and his new friend Maddie were playing in the yard a day or so later when he pointed out the seeded areas to her and told her we were growing baby grass and that she
mustn't step on it. Well, about a week later Maddie was again playing in the yard with Aiden and remarked, "Your baby grass has grown a lot." To which Aiden replied, oh so matter-of -factly, "Yeah, now it's teenage grass."
Season 3 Soccer Finale
So today was the final soccer game of the season. Aiden has enjoyed playing soccer for three seasons now, but we really all enjoy it as a family. We are part of a fantastic family-oriented league and have met lots a great people. This season Jason, dh, decided to coach for the first time and he did a great job. He was so positive with the kids, it was wonderful. I think he really enjoyed coaching and I know Aiden enjoyed having his dad at all the games and practices. It was quite a feat for dh with work and school to boot. After the game today, we treated the kids to ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery (Aiden chose chocolate with York Peppermint Patties) and handed out trophies. There were a couple of first-timers on the team so it was all very exciting. I'm a little sad that it's over. Aiden says he wants to try football in the fall, so I don't know if we'll be involved with the soccer league again or not. Bryn claims to want to play though, and she will be ol
d enough after her next birthday. So, perhaps we'll have a new player to cheer for on Saturday mornings. Here are the team photos and some pics from today. What a bunch of handsome guys!
A few pics from Mother's Day
Friday, May 16, 2008
For Mother's Day we drove up to Colonial Williamsburg. We all love it there and visit several times a year. The weather was overcast and a little drizzly so I only took a few photos. We had a nice lunch though, at The Cheese Shop, and made the obligatory stop at the Wythe Candy Shop-yum. We were also able to watch some new recruits being trained to load and fire the cannons. Interestingly, they were almost all women. Go girls!

Brainercize, Mentalrobics, Intellijog
Got a case of "mommy-brain"? If you've ever called the baby by the dog's name, opened the pantry to find a dripping box of ice cream, or brushed your teeth with Desitin, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I told my husband I wanted a Wii so I could play Brain Age and exercise that lump atop my shoulders. He said "save your money." Sigh. It isn't exactly in our budget, but I did find Braingle, which is chock full of free games, puzzles and riddles to solve. Perfect for turning mom's cerebral mush back into brawny brilliance .
Another favorite is freerice or what I call fun for nerds. And then there's Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, a good all around trivia game.
Play these and you'll be in tiptop shape to show off your sharp wit and keep hubbie and the kiddos on their toes. Enjoy!
Another favorite is freerice or what I call fun for nerds. And then there's Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, a good all around trivia game.
Play these and you'll be in tiptop shape to show off your sharp wit and keep hubbie and the kiddos on their toes. Enjoy!
Quick note
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Just a quick note...I'm too tired tonight to write much. I do want to share this blog though, I could spend days reading her posts! If you are considering homeschooling or have questions about homeschooling, unschooling or even parenting (don't we all from time to time?) you will find tons of resources and useful insights here.
Off to steal some sleep now........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Off to steal some sleep now........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
HOT NEWS>>> FREE Unit Studies from CurrClick
As a Mother's Day promo currclick.com is giving away 21 free downloads through 5/15. There is something for almost any age. I found a couple of unit studies and a two lapbooks...and there is much more to choose from. Check it out before it's gone!
Since I brought up free, check out these coloring pages. They are true works of art. These are the coolest alphabet pages I've come across. We're going to make a book with them. They would even be cool to enlarge and paint to hang on a child's wall.
And for mom (or dad)...who couldn't use a free cuppa joe? Try Seattle's Best. Yum!
Since I brought up free, check out these coloring pages. They are true works of art. These are the coolest alphabet pages I've come across. We're going to make a book with them. They would even be cool to enlarge and paint to hang on a child's wall.
And for mom (or dad)...who couldn't use a free cuppa joe? Try Seattle's Best. Yum!
Game Time!
Monday, May 12, 2008
I love using games as part of our learning fun. Some of my fondest memories of growing up were game nights or summers at our cottage, where there was no TV. We played games and did puzzles; three generations of family playing together, and I loved it. The other night my husband and I played a phonics board game with our son and daughter and I could tell by the cheering and laughter that they were enjoying the friendly competition just as much as I had when I was a kid. Learning together this way makes a big impression on kids. Not only do they gain some valuable skills (math, concentration, problem solving, negotiating, verbal expression, or many others depending on the game) but they also develop self esteem, confidence and a sense of value and belonging. And mom and dad get to have a great time while creating bonds that last for years. Check out this article from Highlights Magazine for a list of family games that can be played anywhere.
Online games have a place in our eclectic learning too. My 6 year old loves to play the Lego games, which teach mapping skills, and strategy, as well as enhance memory among other things. And my 2 year old loves anything Diego. She's become an animal lover and has learned about many endangered species, plus her computer skills (fine motor) amaze me for her age. So, I don't mind them playing games now and then. I think it can add variety and fun to learning. And with technology advancing faster than the speed of light, they are developing skills that will help them keep pace in a high tech world.
A site I like for preschool and kindergarten is Kindersite with links to games, music and stories. Registration is free. Primary games also has some fun stuff. For older kids the History Channel site has some fun games and quizzes. I like to print the quizzes and stash them in the car for long trips or traffic delays...an impromptu trivia game helps pass the time. Another great site, iknowthat , lets kids create their own page featuring their favorite games and pictures they make online.
There are more game sites under my favorite links and tons more resources online. I'll continue to add favorites as I come across them so check back often and play!
Online games have a place in our eclectic learning too. My 6 year old loves to play the Lego games, which teach mapping skills, and strategy, as well as enhance memory among other things. And my 2 year old loves anything Diego. She's become an animal lover and has learned about many endangered species, plus her computer skills (fine motor) amaze me for her age. So, I don't mind them playing games now and then. I think it can add variety and fun to learning. And with technology advancing faster than the speed of light, they are developing skills that will help them keep pace in a high tech world.
A site I like for preschool and kindergarten is Kindersite with links to games, music and stories. Registration is free. Primary games also has some fun stuff. For older kids the History Channel site has some fun games and quizzes. I like to print the quizzes and stash them in the car for long trips or traffic delays...an impromptu trivia game helps pass the time. Another great site, iknowthat , lets kids create their own page featuring their favorite games and pictures they make online.
There are more game sites under my favorite links and tons more resources online. I'll continue to add favorites as I come across them so check back often and play!
Wishing a Very Happy Mother's Day to All You Moms
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Here's some interesting info on the history and traditions of Mother's Day throughout the ages.
Have a wonderful day and do something nice for yourself...you deserve it!
~Proud Mama of 3
The Daily Dog Bone
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Learning At Home - Let's Get Started
Beginning your foray into homeschooling can be confusing and a bit nerve wracking. So I wanted to share some information and resources that I have found helpful. There are many different reasons to teach your kids at home. And, there are many ways to go about it. The important thing is to find what works for your family and your current situation. Be flexible and expect an interesting journey. What works today may not work next year, and what works with one child may confuse or bore another. But the beauty of homeschooling is the freedom to find the best possible solution for each of your children.
If you are considering homeschooling, or just starting out, my first advice is to join a local group or listserve for your area. You can gather a great deal of insight from veterans and find out about events happening near you. Try Yahoo Groups or AIM Groups by AOL. You many want to just lurke on a list for a few weeks and read about what others are doing. Most lists have links to helpful information about state regulations and forms, etc. For homeschool by state try HLSDA. Also, check out my Favorite Links for homeschooling resources, discounted curriculum and fun ideas.
There are online homeschool social networks for meeting other homeschoolers and joining discussions on hot topics and national groups such as the National Home Education Network for support and information.
You'll also want to visit a local homeschool store or book store to browse curriculum before you buy. There are many to choose from and lots of groups organize swap days or host used curriculum sales. You can find used items for less online too. There are also correspondence schools and some folks, like me, make their own curriculum by using unit studies, the library, the internet, field trips, etc. Gather all the information you can and then choose what seems most interesting to you and your child.
This in just a brief introduction to home ed, but I hope it helps you get started on the right foot. Remember, you are not alone. There is a whole homeschool community to guide you and help you. Most homeschoolers are all to happy to share their experiences with a new family and offer support. Homeschooling is an exciting family journey...enjoy the ride!
If you are considering homeschooling, or just starting out, my first advice is to join a local group or listserve for your area. You can gather a great deal of insight from veterans and find out about events happening near you. Try Yahoo Groups or AIM Groups by AOL. You many want to just lurke on a list for a few weeks and read about what others are doing. Most lists have links to helpful information about state regulations and forms, etc. For homeschool by state try HLSDA. Also, check out my Favorite Links for homeschooling resources, discounted curriculum and fun ideas.
There are online homeschool social networks for meeting other homeschoolers and joining discussions on hot topics and national groups such as the National Home Education Network for support and information.
You'll also want to visit a local homeschool store or book store to browse curriculum before you buy. There are many to choose from and lots of groups organize swap days or host used curriculum sales. You can find used items for less online too. There are also correspondence schools and some folks, like me, make their own curriculum by using unit studies, the library, the internet, field trips, etc. Gather all the information you can and then choose what seems most interesting to you and your child.
This in just a brief introduction to home ed, but I hope it helps you get started on the right foot. Remember, you are not alone. There is a whole homeschool community to guide you and help you. Most homeschoolers are all to happy to share their experiences with a new family and offer support. Homeschooling is an exciting family journey...enjoy the ride!
Fascinating Progress of Robin Hatchlings
This is an amazing blog about a Robin's nest and it shows the daily progression from empty nest, to eggs, to babies, to empty nest again. It is well done and full of wonderful information. We learned so much we didn't know about these creatures we share our yard with and see every day. We often find egg shells, but have never been lucky enough to have a "bird's eye view" of the nest like this. Kids of all ages would find this interesting...grown ups too. Awesome!
Here's a video of a Robin family in the nest (this is a different nest than in the blog).
More info on American Robins. And, American Robin facts and worksheets for preschool and elementary students.
Here's a video of a Robin family in the nest (this is a different nest than in the blog).
More info on American Robins. And, American Robin facts and worksheets for preschool and elementary students.
Lesson Plans, Themes and Unit Studies, oh my!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
In keeping with our geography lessons through post card exchanges, I have been looking for activities and info to enhance our experience. I found some neat stuff here on the 50 states, Presidents and The Star Spangled Banner and thought it might fit in with Memorial Day discussions as well. Pretty cool.
Also found tons more Mother's Day crafts...for last minute gifts! and links to lots of unit studies, if you are into those. Check out A to Z Theme Lessons for many resources.
Here's a site I found for making paper toys including vehicles, dinosaurs and lots of cool stuff. Some of these are complicated for early elementary ages and will definitely require mom or dad's help. But they are lots of fun...could be great for travel entertainment.
One more cool thing I discovered today...Lego lessons. We joined a Lego League group this year and Aiden has gone Lego-mad. He loves building Lego fire trucks and fire stations, rescue helicopters, etc. And plays with them every day. This site has lots of cool lessons using Legos. Some of these are a little advanced for Aiden, but would be great with older kids and could probably be adapted for the younger set. If you have a Lego-lover, you will have to bookmark this one!
Also found tons more Mother's Day crafts...for last minute gifts! and links to lots of unit studies, if you are into those. Check out A to Z Theme Lessons for many resources.
Here's a site I found for making paper toys including vehicles, dinosaurs and lots of cool stuff. Some of these are complicated for early elementary ages and will definitely require mom or dad's help. But they are lots of fun...could be great for travel entertainment.
One more cool thing I discovered today...Lego lessons. We joined a Lego League group this year and Aiden has gone Lego-mad. He loves building Lego fire trucks and fire stations, rescue helicopters, etc. And plays with them every day. This site has lots of cool lessons using Legos. Some of these are a little advanced for Aiden, but would be great with older kids and could probably be adapted for the younger set. If you have a Lego-lover, you will have to bookmark this one!
Today was a beautiful day
What started out as a poopy (quite literally) and spilled cereal kind of a day turned out glorious. It was sunny, breezy and warm. A gentle play-outside kind of a day. We made Mother's Day cards, played soccer in the front yard, built an ice castle on the back deck, painted the sidewalk...and driveway...and basketball hoop, went to a new playground, visited the library, played with a neighborhood friend, washed the toy tractor and car, played Lego fire and rescue, blew bubbles, and baked brownies. Jackson worked on a new tooth. I'm totally worn out, but have a smile on my face. And the kids are grinning through their sticky chocolate lips.
PS...I just found out that PBS has a new educational site called PBS KIDS PLAY with games and activities geared toward math, science and literacy that feature PBS characters. It is a subscription site ($10/month or $80/year) but they offer a free 15 day trial-no credit card required. This site is built for preschool, kindergarten and first grade kids ages 3-6. It's worth checking out. The only drawback is that it is currently only Windows compatible...too bad for us Mac-lovers.
Memorial Day is May 26th
I've been looking for things to do with the kids to help teach them about the significance of Memorial Day. Rather than the kick off of the summer months, I want them to appreciate the holiday for what it symbolizes. Last year we attended a parade put on by the local veterans, which was fun, but I want to dig a little deeper this year.
Memorial Day was originally named Decoration Day. The holiday was first celebrated on May 30, 1868, when Union General John A. Logan declared the day an occasion to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers. The name was changed to Memorial Day twenty years later when President Richard Nixon declared it a federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day is now observed on the last Monday of May. Through the years it has become an occasion to honor the men and women who died in all wars.
Check out more historical information and the official General Order here. For interesting images, videos and war maps try this link. I also found some cute craft ideas for creating some patriotic decorations (most of which would work well for the Fourth of July as well) and some poetry and rhymes too.
My kids love to cook...and eat...and what would Memorial Day be without a bbq? There is no shortage of great recipes and I'm sure you have some family favorites. At our house, these are always a hit. And lets not forget the treats and desserts! Plus, the kitchen is an ideal place for sneaking in a few math and chemistry lessons so cook up some fun!
Also, try this favorite picnic recipe for mom and dad, yum!
Blue Cheese Potato Salad
5 pounds red new potatoes
1/2 cup dry white wine
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Memorial Day was originally named Decoration Day. The holiday was first celebrated on May 30, 1868, when Union General John A. Logan declared the day an occasion to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers. The name was changed to Memorial Day twenty years later when President Richard Nixon declared it a federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day is now observed on the last Monday of May. Through the years it has become an occasion to honor the men and women who died in all wars.
Check out more historical information and the official General Order here. For interesting images, videos and war maps try this link. I also found some cute craft ideas for creating some patriotic decorations (most of which would work well for the Fourth of July as well) and some poetry and rhymes too.
My kids love to cook...and eat...and what would Memorial Day be without a bbq? There is no shortage of great recipes and I'm sure you have some family favorites. At our house, these are always a hit. And lets not forget the treats and desserts! Plus, the kitchen is an ideal place for sneaking in a few math and chemistry lessons so cook up some fun!
Also, try this favorite picnic recipe for mom and dad, yum!
Blue Cheese Potato Salad
5 pounds red new potatoes
1/2 cup dry white wine
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 1/4 cups mayonnaise
1 1/4 cups sour cream
2 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 1/2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1/2 pound blue cheese, crumbled
5 green onions, minced
1 1/2 cups chopped celery
Place potatoes in large pot. Cover with cold water. Boil until tender. Drain. Cool slightly. Peel potatoes. Cut into 1-inch pieces. Transfer to large bowl. Add wine, season with salt and pepper and toss to coat. Cool.
Combine all remaining ingredients. Mix with potatoes. Adjust seasoning. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Let stand 30 minutes at room temperature before serving.)
Happy Cinco de Mayo
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo and make today a day of Mexican history and cultural exploration. If you are looking for lesson plan ideas, kinderart has some great crafts for younger kids including how to make a poncho. Get the kids in the kitchen with these cooking ideas (scroll down and click on Cinco de Mayo and then go to recipes). And, if you just can't get enough Mexican food (like me) here's more info on Mexican food and links to recipes. Also, try these craft ideas and songs to add to the festivities. Find even more links here. Enjoy. Ole!